The customization module for Prestashop can save the configurations made by your customers if you wish.
This can do several things for you :
- Find the customizations made by your customers in order to improve your after-sales service.
- Allow your customers to load old configurations in 1 click to improve their experience on your site.
- Allow your customers to save and name their configurations to easily find them.
As the site administrator, you will also be able to go to a product page in the front office and save one or more configuration on your different products.
So, you will be able to name these customizations which will be marked as admin customizations.
Admin customizations will then be offered to your customers, allowing you to guide them through the purchase process by loading your pre-defined configurations in 1 click.
Note : in admin you can associate an image with your pre-defined configurations.
You can also select, if you wish, a default configuration which will then be loaded automatically on arrival on the page. The price of this configuration will override the price of the product in your product listing!
If you use this feature (default configuration) and that your site is multilingual, you will need to create a configuration per language (by changing the language in the front office) so that each label is in the client's language. Indeed, the module associates a language with each configuration and only offers your customers the configurations that are in its language..